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Delegation of TUM Asia Visit SSPU

Mar. 29, 2024  |  International Office

On the morning of March 28, the delegation of Technical University of Munich Asia (TUM Asia) led by Managing Director Markus Wächter visited SSPU again. The delegation included Pan Yu, Assistant Manager of TUM Asia, Niu Lei, Vice President of XNode, a cooperative enterprise of TUM Asia in Shanghai, and Xu Yue, Innovation Director of XNode. SSPU President Xie Huaqing and Vice President Ding Li met with the guests at the Academic Exchange Center.

President Xie firstly welcomed the delegation for visiting SSPU again. He said that TUM Asia has discipline and geographic advantages, and hoped that the two universities could rely on their respective strengths and high-quality resources to jointly promote the development of substantive cooperation. Vice President Ding expected that both universities continue to strengthen exchanges and push forward various cooperation on the basis of the signing of the MOU, developing a distinctive brand project of international cooperation.

The two sides had an in-depth discussion on the exchange and training of teachers in engineering vocational and technical education, joint degree programs at postgraduate level, short-term student exchange programs, joint scientific research, etc. In particular, they had a detailed conversation on jointly developing training programs for high-level management personnel in enterprises based on the existing enterprise resources of SSPU. Heads and representatives from International Office, School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Control Engineering and Office of International Student Affairs (School of International Education) shared their ideas. 

Technical University of Munich Asia (TUM Asia) is the Asian campus of the Technical University of Munich. TUM Asia was set up in Singapore in 2002, under the Singapore government’s Global Schoolhouse Initiative. It is registered in Singapore as an Institute of Higher Learning.