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Video Conference between SSPU and IMH Held

June 18, 2024  |  International Office

On the afternoon of June 13, a video conference was held between SSPU and Instituto de Maquina Herramienta (IMH), Spain, for the purpose of discussing and promoting exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. Ixaka Egurbide, Rector of IMH, Wu Peidong, SSPU Vice President, Yao Li, Director of SSPU International Office, Zhang Jun, Executive Dean of SSPU Vocational & Technical Teacher Education School as well as Dean of College of International Vocational Education attended the conference.

SSPU Vice President Wu Peidong expressed pleasure to establish relationship, deepen mutual understanding and kick off the cooperation with IMH through this online meeting recommended by the Chinese Embassy in Spain. SSPU always adheres to the orientation of training applied talents and greatly implements the strategy of internationalization focusing on the university’s orientation and talent training objective. With similarities in orientation, disciplines and programs, the two institutions are expected to strengthen communication and exchange and jointly carry out various cooperation in related fields.

Rector Ixaka Egurbide briefly introduced the structure, school-enterprise cooperation, education and training, R&D and innovation, and internationalization of IMH and expressed willingness to deepen mutual understanding and jointly push forward cooperation in the future.

The two sides discussed cooperation in student exchange, joint R&D and innovation, vocational training, etc., and reached preliminary consensus.